Do You Offer Quantity Discounts?

Yes, we do! If you order two or more copies of a model, the price per model automatically decreases, mainly because the preparation of multiple copies can be carried out more efficiently.

Some info about our quantity discount

  • The exact value of your discount depends on various factors such as size, volume, and the number of items that you want to order.
  • Quantity discount is only applicable if you order the same model, of the same material and finish, in one order. The discount cannot be split up into several orders in different materials or finishes.
  • Quantity discount applies to 16 of our 20 materials. It’s not applicable for steel, aluminum, and titanium.
  • The highest discounts can be achieved with our plastics such as polyamide, mammoth resin, alumide and ABS. Reductions for metals are typically lower because of higher material costs.
  • There is no quantity discount for shop items.

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