How Do I Open a Shop?

The minimum requirement of opening a shop is having ordered at least one 3D printed product with us. If that's the case, you only need to follow a few simple steps to get started.

    First, log in to access your profile, go to the Getting Paid section and provide us with a valid PayPal account. We need this information so we can pay you out for every sale you make. If you don't have a PayPal Account, you can set up one here for free.

    Complete as much info as you can here and make a good first impression. Take a look at the shops of Desmond Chan (Vulcan Jewelry) and Ariadne Kapelioti (Superlora) that perfectly illustrate this.

    • Profile Picture:  Start by choosing a nice or quirky profile picture. If you’re running your shop as a designer, uploaded one of yourself here. Show people who're behind the products they buy. If you have a brand, you might want to upload your logo here.

    • About You: Continue with your designer name or the name of your brand. Where are you from? And do you have a website where people can admire your work?

    • Description: Tell people something about yourself and what your shop is about.

    • Shop URL: The web address that matches your shop name is based on the name you registered with. You can only change it once. Choose something unique so people can easily find you. Your shop URL becomes

    • Shop Banner: If you want to further brand your shop, you can additionally upload a shop banner. A shop banner has a fixed dimension of 700 x 175px.


    For every model you order, a product page is automatically generated. Clicking on the ‘ADD NEW SHOP ITEM’ button in the Shop items section will show you a list of all available unpublished shop items. There, you can edit the shop items and offer them for sale.

    If you want to sell any of your items or just show them, simply press 'EDIT'. This also means we only let you sell products that have been printed.

    • By default, your models are private and set to ‘Not Published’. Select either ‘Display Only’ or ‘Offer For Sale’ to make them public. But first, start completing your product page and set the desired designer fee (markup) for your products.

    • The more complete the information on your product page, the bigger chance of selling. Write a proper description, tag them and placed them in a logical category.

    • Product presentation is all about quality photos and visualization of your items. You might have an amazing product, but if people cannot see the quality and details of the item, they will most likely not end up buying it. From experience, we know that people don’t buy products that don’t have photos of them.

    • Make sure to press ‘Update Shop Item’ after completing the information on the product page.

    • Go to the ‘Pricing’ tab, select the materials to offer the product for sale in and price your models by setting the designer fee (or markup). The default material cannot be changed and the available materials, colors, and finishes depend on the default material. When you’re ready, don’t forget to press ‘Update’.

    • The sales price includes a 3% PayPal transaction fee. In a case of price changes, the designer fee (%) stays fixed.

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